Business Source Complete (Business Searching Interface) provides users with a highly focused user interface created especially for the business searcher. It allows you to easily browse for company profiles, country reports, industry profiles, market research reports, SWOT analyses, and author profiles. Containing over 4000 business journal titles, Business Source Complete provides full-text access to journals that cover all aspects of business, including Business Week, Forbes, and Harvard Business Review, along with hundreds of other scholarly, peer-reviewed journals.
Entrepreneurial Learning Initiative (ELI) Toolkit
Deadline to register coming soon! Upon registration, you will have 365 days to complete the course.
Sign up for free Entrepreneurial Mindset Training and learn how to think (and act) like an entrepreneur. In this self-paced program, developed by the Entrepreneurial Learning Initiative you will learn how to:
Recognize opportunities that others overlook. Drawing from best practices in design thinking, you will learn how to discover opportunities that are hiding in plain sight.
Master the art of bootstrapping. You will learn how cash-strapped entrepreneurs manage to identify, evaluate and transform their ideas into a sustainable success.
Develop a success network that will enable you to avoid costly mistakes, reduce the learning curve and accelerate your growth.
Identify and overcome the self-imposed limitations that may be holding you back.
Tap into a mindset that will inspire and empower you to create a path toward a more meaningful and prosperous life regardless of where you start.
Gale Legal Forms
Gale LegalForms helps patrons understand common legal procedures through access to authentic, professional legal documents for businesses and it is the only electronic reference to offer legal forms that are truly state-specific. Useful for filing patents and trademarks, developing leases, creating bills of sale, delegating power of attorney, and more, these forms are ideal for supporting legal tasks that business owners need to manage.
Regional Business News
Vocational & Career Collection
The Vocational & Career Collection provides full-text coverage for almost 350 trade and industry related periodicals including American Machinist, Modern Machine Shop, Pediatric Nursing, Wireless Week, Drug Store News, Video Business, Reeves Journal, Hotel and Motel Management, Restaurant Business, Advertising Age, and many more.