Access over 4000 genealogical and statistical databases, including the US Federal Census, the Social Security Death Index, marriage records, and more.
In-Library use only.
Online career services for job seekers. Live, one-on-one tutoring is available every day from 12pm to 12am. No appointment necessary. Cover letters, resumes, and other documents can be uploaded 24/7 for proofreading.
Expert career tutors can help you:
Find a job online
Complete an application
Write a strong cover letter and resume
Prepare for a job interview
Full-text access to over 350 reference books that cover multiple subjects and disciplines. Access authoritative reference sources either individually by title or by keyword across the entire collection.
A large collection of eBooks and eAudiobooks for kids pre-K to fourth grade. It’s a mix of fiction and non-fiction titles that can be downloaded onto computers, tablets and smartphones.
Access this collection through the website or via the Boundless app for Apple or Android.
Download thousands of eAudiobooks or eBooks directly to your home computer, smartphone or tablet. To check out books, you will need your PINES library card number.
How to get started:
1. Download the Libby app from your app store, or visit
2. Select “Log In” on the website. “Yes” on the app.
3. When searching for the library, search by name for the “Oconee Regional Library System.”
4. Select “Georgia Download Destination.”
5. Enter a valid library card number.
If your card is expired, please call us at 478-272-5710 (Option 1) Monday - Friday, 9am-5pm to renew.
If you do not have a library card, you can request immediate access to an eCard here:
6. Congratulations! You now have access to thousands of eBooks and Audio Books through the Libby app by Overdrive.
With Libby you can also check out and read books on Kindle devices!
The Laurens County Library is a FamilySearch Affiliate Library, which allows patrons to access FamilySearch’s vast collection of digital images and indexes whenever they are in the building. You can access this collection by using any of the library’s public computers or by connecting your personal device to the library’s public WiFi connection.
Enhanced access only available within the library.
© Oconee Regional Library System, 2017.